Roti Kukus
Roti Panggang
Pizza dough is a yeasted dough which requires active dry yeast. Make sure the check the expiration date on the yeast package.
You can use all purpose flour instead of the bread flour that is called for in the recipe, but bread flour is higher in gluten than all-purpose flour and will make a crispier crust for your pizza.
You can use all purpose flour instead of the bread flour that is called for in the recipe, but bread flour is higher in gluten than all-purpose flour and will make a crispier crust for your pizza.
Pizza Dough: Makes enough dough for two 10-12 inch pizzas- 1 1/2 cups warm water (105°F-115°F)
- 1 package (2 1/4 teaspoons) of active dry yeast
- 3 1/2 cups bread flour
- 2 Tbsp olive oil
- 2 teaspoons salt
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- Olive oil
- Cornmeal (to help slide the pizza onto the pizza stone)
- Tomato sauce (smooth, or puréed)
- Mozzarella cheese, grated
- Parmesan cheese, grated
- Feta cheese, crumbled
- Mushrooms, thinly sliced
- Bell peppers, stems and seeds removed, thinly sliced
- Italian sausage, cooked ahead and crumbled
- Chopped fresh basil
- Pesto
- Pepperoni, thinly sliced
- Onions, thinly sliced
- Ham, thinly sliced
- A pizza stone, highly recommended if you want crispy pizza crust
- A pizza peel or a flat baking sheet
- A pizza wheel for cutting the pizza, not required, but easier to deal with than a knife
Making the Pizza Dough
1 Place the warm water in the large bowl of a heavy duty stand mixer. Sprinkle the yeast over the warm water and let it sit for 5 minutes until the yeast is dissolved. After 5 minutes stir if the yeast hasn't dissolved completely. The yeast should begin to foam, which indicates that it is still active and alive.
2 Using the mixing paddle attachment, mix in the flour, salt, sugar, and olive oil on low speed for a minute. Then replace the mixing paddle with the dough hook attachment. Knead the pizza dough on low to medium speed using the dough hook until the dough is smooth and elastic, about 10 minutes.
If you don't have a mixer, you can mix the ingredients together and knead them by hand.
If the dough seems a little too wet, sprinkle it with a little more flour.


3 Spread a thin layer of olive oil over the inside of a large bowl. Place the pizza dough in the bowl and turn it around so that it gets coated with the oil. Cover the dough with plastic wrap and let sit in a warm place (75-85°F) until it doubles in size, at least 1 to 1 1/2 hours. You can let it sit for several hours if you want. The longer rise will improve the flavor of the pizza crust. If you don't have a warm spot in the house you can heat the oven to 150 degrees, and then turn off the oven. Let the oven cool till it is just a little warm, then place the bowl of dough in this warmed oven to rise.
At this point, if you want to make ahead, you can freeze the dough in an airtight container for up to two weeks.
Preparing the Pizzas
1 Place a pizza stone on a rack in the lower third of your oven. Preheat the oven to 450°F for at least 30 minutes, preferably an hour.2 Remove the plastic cover from the dough and punch the dough down so it deflates a bit. Divide the dough in half. Form two round balls of dough. Place each in its own bowl, cover with plastic and let sit for 10 minutes.
3 Prepare your desired toppings. Note that you are not going to want to load up each pizza with a lot of toppings as the crust will end up not crisp that way. About a third a cup each of tomato sauce and cheese would be sufficient for one pizza. One to two mushrooms thinly sliced will cover a pizza.


4 Working one ball of dough at a time, take one ball of dough and flatten it with your hands on a slightly floured work surface. Starting at the center and working outwards, use your fingertips to press the dough to 1/2-inch thick. Turn and stretch the dough until it will not stretch further. Let the dough relax 5 minutes and then continue to stretch it until it reaches the desired diameter - 10 to 12 inches. Use your palm to flatten the edge of the dough where it is thicker. You can pinch the very edges if you want to form a lip.
5 Brush the top of the dough with olive oil (to prevent it from getting soggy from the toppings). Use your finger tips to press down and make dents along the surface of the dough to prevent bubbling. Let rest another 5 minutes.
Repeat with the second ball of dough.


6 Lightly sprinkle your pizza peel (or flat baking sheet) with corn meal. Transfer one prepared flattened dough to the pizza peel. If the dough has lost its shape in the transfer, lightly shape it to the desired dimensions.


7 Spoon on the tomato sauce, sprinkle with cheese, and place your desired toppings on the pizza.
8 Sprinkle some cornmeal on the baking stone in the oven (watch your hands, the oven is hot!). Gently shake the peel to see if the dough will easily slide, if not, gently lift up the edges of the pizza and add a bit more cornmeal. Slide the pizza off of the peel and on to the baking stone in the oven. Bake pizza one at a time until the crust is browned and the cheese is golden, about 10-15 minutes. If you want, toward the end of the cooking time you can sprinkle on a little more cheese.
Resep Kue Kering Lebaran Egg Roll - Resep Masakan . Resep Kali ini Mengenai Resep Kue Kering Lebaran Egg Roll dengan bentuk khas yang unik nan sederhana, enak dan praktis ini bernama Resep Kue Kering Lebaran Egg Roll. Simak juga resep sebelumnya yaitu Resep Kue Monde dan Kue Lapis Pandan Sagu. Berikut Resep Kue Kering Lebaran Egg Roll
Bahan A :
- 4 btr telur
- 150 gr gula pasir
- 1 sdt cake emulsifier
- 150 gr tepung terigu
- 2 sdm tepung sagu
- 1 sdt baking powder
- 1 sdm susu bubuk
- 100 gr margarine, leleh
- Kocok bahan A hingga mengembang dan kental, masukkan bahan B aduk rata, lalu tuangi bahan C, aduk balik hingga rata.
- Panaskan cetakan Egg Roll, tuang 1 sdm adonan dibagian tengah, segera tutup cetakan dan biarkan lk. 5 menit hingga adonan matang.
- Buka cetakan, lalu gulung cake dengan bantuan sumpit. Angkat biarkan dingin, lepaskan dari sumpit. Lakukan hingga adonan habis.
- Kemas dalam toples rapat.
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Cara membuat roti gulung ternyata tidak sulit. Walaupun memang membuat roti yang benar benar istimewa membutuhkan skill dan jam terbang yang cukup. Tapi jika hanya untuk membuat keluarga ketagihan dengan rasa roti yang enak, saya pikir resep roti kali ini sudah cukup untuk membuat seluruh keluarga tambah sayang pada anda. Nah berikut resepnya.
Bahan untuk Pembuatan Roti Gulung
Beberapa bahan untuk Pembuatan Roti Gulung yang Istimewa antara lain :
- 120gram minyak goring
- 100 gram air
- 80 gram madu
- 2 butir telur kocok
- 100 gram tepung terigu
- 25 gram tepung meizena
- 75 gram almont bubuk
- ½ sendok the baking powder
- 5 kuning telur
- 9 putih telur
- ½ sendok the garam
- 1 ½ sendok the cream tartar
- 100 gram gula pasir
- ¼ sendokcokelat pasta
- 125 gram cokelat untuk olesan
Cara membuat Roti Gulung
Berikut ini adalah urutan Cara Membuat Roti Gulung
- Rebus minyak goring,air dan madu sampai berbusa,angkat dan biarkan hangat masukkan ke kocokan lalu aduk hingga rata.
- tuangkan tepung terigu sedikit demi sedikit kedalam kocokan madu tadi,lalu masukan juga tepung meizena,almont bubuk,dan baking powder, sudah di ayak,lalu masukan secara perlahaan lahan kedalam kocokan.
- Tambahkan kuning teluraduk rata lalu sisihkan.
- Kocok putih telur,garam, dan cream tartar,sampai ½ mengembang,tambahkan gula pasir sedikit sambil di kocok,sapai mengembang.
- Tuang sebagian kedalam adonan atau campuran tepung tadi,dengan perlahan –lahan sambil di aduk rata,tuang camputran ini kedalam sisa kocokan atau adonan putih telur sedikit-sedikit sambil diaduk perlahan.
- Ambil 80 gram adonan tambahkan coklat pasta ketengah adonan lalu aduk sampai rata.
- Tuang ke dalam Loyang ukuran 30cm x 40cm x 3 cm,gunakan kertas roti sambil di goyang agar rata.
- Lalu masukan ke dalam oven selama 30 menit dengam suhu 180derajat celcius
- Setelah matang lalu angkat,kemudian dinginkan setelah agak dingin lalu oles dengan selai coklat kemudian gulung dan padatkan.
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Bahan Cupcake Coklat Panggang
- Dark Cooking Chocolate 150 gr, potong kecil-kecil
- Susu Cair 120 ml
- Coklat Bubuk 30 gr
- Tepung terigu protein sedang 130 gr
- Mentega 130 gr
- Telur 3 butir, pisahkan kuning dan putihnya
- Garam ½ sdt
Cara Membuat Cupcake Panggang Yang Enak Dan Lembut
- Panaskan terlebih dahulu susu cair dan coklat bubuk dan sambil diaduk agar tidak menggumpal. Jika sudah rata matikan api
- Masukan sebagian gula dan mentega, aduk hingga larut. Kemudian masukan kuning telur dan kocok sampai rata.
- Tuangkanlah sedikit demi sedikit tepung terigu sambil mengaduk-aduk adonan.
- Dengan menggunakan wadah lain kocoklah putih telur, garam dan sisa gula tadi hingga mengembang.
- Masukan adonan yang pertama tadi kedalam adonan yang telah mengembang,aduk secara perlahan.
- Sekarang tinggal menuangkan adonan tersebut kedalam cetakan muffin yang sebelumnya telah diberi alas cup kertas
- lalu masukan kedalam oven dengan suhu 180 derajat celcius selama 30 menit.
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Resep Masakan. Resep Kali ini Mengenai Kue Putri Ayu Hijau dengan bentuk khas yang unik nan sederhana, enak dan praktis ini bernama Resep Putri Ayu Hijau. Simak juga resep sebelumnya yaitu Kue Nastar Praktis dan Cara Membuat Gulai Kambing. Berikut Resep Putri Ayu Hijau
Bahan-bahan yang diperlukan :
- tepung terigu: 125 gr, diayak
- telur: 2 butir
- gula pasir: 75 gr
- garam: 1 sdt
- pasta pandan: 1 sdt
- santan agak kental: 100 ml , didihkan
- kelapa parut dan garam secukupnya
- emulsifier: 1 sdt
- Kocoklah bahan gula pasir, telur, emulsifier, serta garam sampai adonan menjadi mengembang.
- Masukkan pula tepung terigu yang telah diayak. Tambahkan pasta pandan serta santan, lalu aduklah sampai adonannya tercampur secara merata.
- Kini sediakan cetakannya, isilah kelapa parutnya, tekan sehingga kelapa padat.
- Kemudian, tuang adonannya sampai ¾ cetakan, kukus dalam waktu 1/4 jam, angkat, lalu keluarkan dari cetakan.
- Siap disajikan.
Semoga Bermanfaat
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Onde-onde tape wijen ini pasti lebih ekonomis dibanding onde onde isi kacang hijau. Rasanya pun pas dipadu kulit onde yang terbuat dari ketan itu.
Bahan Kulit:
300 gram tepung ketan putih
50 gram kentang kukus, dihaluskan
75 gram gula pasir halus
1/2 sendok teh garam
190 ml air hangat
150 gram wijen untuk pelapis
minyak untuk menggoreng
Bahan Isi (aduk Rata):
450 gram tape singkong
3 sendok teh wijen sangrai
Cara membuat onde-onde tape wijen:
- Kulit, campur tepung ketan putih, kentang, gula pasir halus, dan garam. Aduk rata.
- Tuang air hangat sedikit-sedikit sambil diuleni sampai kalis dan licin.
- Timbang masing-masing 15 gram. Pipihkan. Beri isi. Bentuk bulat. Gulingkan di atas wijen. Celupkan ke dalam air. Gulingkan sekali lagi di atas wijen.
- Goreng di dalam minyak tidak terlalu panas di atas api kecil sambil diaduk-aduk berputar sampai mengembang. Besarkan apinya menjadi api sedang. Goreng sampai matang.
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